July 12: In Conversation with AC Wise for the launch of HOOKED

I’m exciting to join AC Wise in conversation as she launches her new novel, Hooked, set in the same world as last year’s fantastic Wendy, Darling. Celebrate with us at Main Point Books (Wayne, PA) on Tuesday, July 12, at 7pm. (As of today, masks required.) We’ll talk about feminist retelllings, grief and survivor guilt, and of course, monsters and the enduring allure of Peter Pan.

Register for free at Eventbrite and order your copy of Hooked from Main Point.

Once invited, always welcome.
Once invited, never free.

Captain James Hook, the immortal pirate of Neverland, has died a thousand times. Drowned, stabbed by Peter Pan’s sword, eaten by the beast swimming below the depths, yet James was resurrected every time by one boy’s dark imagination. Until he found a door in the sky, an escape. And he took the chance no matter the cost.

Now in London twenty-two years later, Peter Pan’s monster has found Captain Hook again, intent on revenge. But a chance encounter leads James to another survivor of Neverland. Wendy Darling, now a grown woman, is the only one who knows how dark a shadow Neverland casts, no matter how far you run. To vanquish Pan’s monster once and for all, Hook must play the villain one last time…